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Meat for the Masters Use

We the Church are at war in the world we live in today in ways that have never been seen in all its history. There's problems on every hand as we live our lives in the mist of political conflict, different world views, religious apostacy, the rise of false religion's, as well as issues associated with the killing of babies in the womb of expected mothers who feel they have the right to take their Childs life for no justifiable reason, as well as all the different gender issues. Addiction is at an all time high as people continue to try to dull the effect of living in a world where the human condition continues to decay as the result of a people that have turned their backs on God. The Word of God is a gift that introduces the world to a standard that can heal the effects of a fallen world as its standards are studied and applied to any believers life that are willing to be transformed by its content. The scripture says in Isa 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Verse 21 goes on to say, Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight, (KJV), that certainly sounds like the world we live in. Its time that "We The Church" wake up from our slumber and call it what it is, get back in the Word of God, and allow it to transform our minds, then we can present the standard properly to a lost and dying world, we can be " Meat for the Master's Use".


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