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Meat for the Masters Use

As we continue to deal with the issues in a Covid 19 infested world and all the different issues that are rising in association to it, as well as the fact that we are living in a season which just precedes the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I am reminded of the need to Pray. 2nd Chronicles says that if the people of God will humble themselves, this is not a suggestion to the unbeliever but the believer, and pray, we must communicate with our heavenly Father, and seek His Face, The Lord must be ever before us, not in our peripheral vision but right in front of us, continually in focus, always the center of our attention, and turn from our wicked ways, stop doing those things that we know deep down inside we shouldn't do, The Lord has promised that He will hear from heaven and heal our land. This is a must if we intend to truly be "Meat for the Master's Use."

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